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Help raise £6 Million to build our new wing

This project will transform the Woodlarks Centre

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Help raise £6 Million to build our new wing

This project will transform the Woodlarks Centre

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Help raise £6 Million to build our new wing

This project will transform the Woodlarks Centre

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WELA - Raising Project Funds

WELA (Woodlarks Enabling the Less Able) was set up to organise and fund a major extension to accommodate a further 11 residents and improve facilities for the Centre as a whole.

Local award-winning Architects Stedman Blower were consulted and their planning application for the project was approved in 2023. The projected budget is £6,000,000.00. While echoing the shape of the existing, the new wing will be architecturally striking with light coloured facing bricks to match existing, aluminium doors and windows and a zinc roof.


Our Target
£ 0
Raised so far ...
£ 0

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