Woodlarks in the Community

Woodlarks provides a safe space for disabled adults who live out in the community to come on a day-by-day basis. We provide education, social activities, and care. In addition to our caring for our residents we like to get involved in the wider community, we have space and facilities to host local service clubs and hope to expand this.

We encourage local people to come and help with our residents, this is often help with reading and crafts or just coming in for a chat. We have a team of volunteer drivers taking residents to appointments, classes, and social events. We like to involve young people and encourage those doing their Duke of Edinburgh award to help. The residents enjoy being visited by Scouts and Guides especially the little ones.


Woodlarks campsite was set up in the 1930s to give disabled girls a camping holiday, based on Girl Guiding it was supported by Lady Baden Powell.

The campsite still flourishes offering assisted camping holidays and is our immediate neighbour.

In 1949 Lt Col and Mrs Dorothy Strover, the campsite founders, started a small home and workshop for disabled girls. They started with 3 ladies who made wooden toys to sell. The home grew and the Woodlarks Workshop Trust was formed.

Times change and we now offer careto both men and women. We still have a workshop, now known as The Activities centre and craft is still one of the many therapies and activities offered.

Family Home

Woodlarks is a place of enormous happiness and potential with disabled adults living fulfilled lives with the help of the amazing staff and local volunteers. The Woodlarks Centre is a home for life. The home and grounds are spacious and fully accessible, giving residents the freedom to be as independent as possible.

All rooms have an ensuite wet room and caring compassionate staff provide high quality residential care.