Our Project

Woodlarks has been caring for residents with special need for many decades. Over the years the care has evolved, and we now find that we are unusual in offering supported living in a group scenario. Our longest residents have been with us for 40 years and we have an age range from 18 to 80.


Currently we have accommodation for 23 people together with daycare facilities for non-residents. The Centre is now running at full capacity and must disappoint many applicants.

WELA (Woodlarks Enabling the Less Able) was set up to organise and fund a major extension to accommodate a further 11 residents and improve facilities for the Centre as a whole.

Local award-winning Architects Stedman Blower were consulted and their planning application for the project was approved in 2023. The projected budget is £6,000,000.00. While echoing the shape of the existing, the new wing will be architecturally striking with light coloured facing bricks to match existing, aluminium doors and windows and a zinc roof.

The new Centre will have 11 new ensuite bedrooms making a total of 34. A new dining room on the lower ground floor will have doors opening onto the garden and patio and will free up the old dual-purpose dining/lounge area for a new resident’s lounge. The kitchen is moved adjacent to the dining room and fitted with restaurant level equipment. Easy access food storage is situated adjacent to the dining room.

The provision of a second passenger lift will make all areas accessible, and a new fire escape ramp and revised emergency procedure will help ensure residents safety. Staff welfare is a priority and new rest rooms, and staff toilets are provided.  The current office and meeting room is relocated into the new wing allowing the existing space adjacent to the workshop to be repurposed as a physio and therapy rooms.


Finally, the new Reception Area will allow visitors to be monitored and welcomed to our smart new Centre.